Supporting sustainable recreation
The upper Murrumbidgee River is a special place which is enjoyed for fishing, bushwalking, paddling, swimming, just being, picnicking and water skiing.
Sustainable recreational use means that when we visit the river we make sure we look after it so that it can be enjoyed by other people and the other native species that live there too.
Our priority is to support sustainable recreational use of the upper Murrumbidgee River corridor to ensure the river can be enjoyed by all people and to protect native plant and animal species and their habitat.
Why is sustainable recreation important?
The upper Murrumbidgee River flanks our nations capital and the river corridor is managed for public use in the ACT. Our nation’s capital community is very lucky to have such a wonderful natural area right on their doorstep and the Murrumbidgee river corridor is one of the most highly frequented reserve areas in the capital region. Bushwalking, swimming, kayaking, fishing and picnicking are popular past times, especially in the summer months.
These activities brings with them their ow impacts on the river and its species, such as:
Leave rubbish behind decreases the aesthetic quality of an area and can entangle wildlife.
Feed wildlife can make animals sick as they ingest inappropriate foods.
Disturbing vegetation and bringing in weed seeds.
Making tracks down to the river for vehicles can result in erosion.
Opera house traps are now banned, but over the years there have been many platypuses, Rakali and turtles found drowned in unattended traps. Platypus can also be drowned when trapped on submerged snapped off fishing tackle.
Some fishing practices can cause injury and stress to native fish which are to be released.
Everyone can help to look after our river corridor and its species by reducing their impact as much as possible. This means the impact of everyone collectively is also reduced.